Saturday, February 03, 2007

Kibera’s grand march to the World Social Forum

By Zachary Ochieng Nairobi, January 20, 2007

Kibera, the largest slumsettlement in Africa was today the launching site forthe peace march that marks the opening of the WorldSocial Forum (WSF) in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.

Themarch was flagged off at the Kibera District Officer’sgrounds at 12.00 mid-day by Zambia’s former president,Dr Kenneth Kaunda. “We are aiming for a world in whichall people, white and black, rich and poor, shall beseen equal in the eyes of God. A society in which manshall not be exploited by fellow men”, said Dr Kaunda.

Italian peace organizations Tavolla de lla pace andAmani Onlus o Milan funded the peace march, which wasco-ordinated by Africa Peace Point (APP), an umbrellaorganization of grassroots peace initiatives in Kenyaand Koinonia Community, a lay Christian organisation.APP drew on its extensive experience of organizingsuch events, especially the annual NairobiInternational Peace Rally held to mark the UNInternational Day of Peace to literally deliver theslum dwellers to the opening ceremony at Nairobi’sUhuru Park.

The forum organizers could not have chosen a bettervenue for the launch. Gripped by tensions ahead ofthis year’s general elections to be held in December,Kibera is set to benefit from the peace initiative.The World Social Forum, taking place in Africa for thefirst time, is a forum that brings together activists,social movements, networks, coalitions and otherprogressive forces of cultural resistance andcelebration. Key continental figures including SouthAfrica’s Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutuare attending the forum.


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